Thursday, January 28, 2010

Reach your Potential

Last night I had the privilege of co-hosting an event in my home town with three other amazing professional coaches. We came together to help demystify coaching and demonstrate what coaching is, and what it isn't.

Through the evening, there were two demonstrations along with an opportunity for participates to engage in activities that would allow them to coach each other using cards with pre-determined coaching questions.

The event totally exceeded my expectations! It was an incredible experience seeing so many people shift, not only in their understanding of coaching, but also after being coached on personal or work related issues! We heard many comments about how coaching can benefit individuals, their peers, their staff, and their organizations. Several people shared their experience and how they felt more empowered and committed to taking action on things they'd put off, in some cases for much of their life! How amazing is that!

Good coaching is holding a belief that the coachee is capable and resourceful, and sometimes needs an open and safe conversation that provokes deep reflection, challenges limiting beliefs, reveals new strategies and ways to move forward, and then moves the coachee towards action.

Participants discovered how coaching is about truly listening and hushing our natural tendency to want to give advice. We all have enough people in our lives who want to give advice or tell us what to do! That is NOT coaching. Coaching is not about rescuing others or solving their problems. When people create their own ideas and solutions, they truly own them.

Once participant shared: "When someone gives me an idea and it fails, I tend to blame them for the failure. However, when I come to my own conclusions and take action, I'm more likely to put my heart and soul into succeeding. And, I take ownership for any failures and the learning that comes out of it."

Coaching generates results. In a 2009 international study, respondents indicated an average of 50 to 500 times the return on investment. That's a winning strategy!

Thanks to everyone who participated last night! I think the new buzz in town, at least for the next few days, will be about coaching.

If you want to learn more about the power of coaching and how it can benefit you and others you know, call me today for a free consultation.

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