Friday, May 28, 2010

Reaching in - Reaching out

A few days ago, something wonderful happened and I received a gift. In fact, I received several gifts. While the tangible aspect was pretty significant, the real gift was in reflecting upon how we all need support now and then.

Sometimes the journey in life is easy and full of adventure. And sometimes it’s not. I was reminded that when things are tough or confusing, our ability to reach out for support can make a difference in how we perceive challenges and how we navigate through them. Unfortunately, pride, or perhaps fear, gets in the way of asking for help.

And in my humanness, I sometimes forget to reach out for the support needed to navigate my own path through adversity.

As a coach, and as a deeply compassionate person, I believe in reaching out to support my clients, friends, family, and even new acquaintances. It doesn’t mean I have to solve their problems. It does mean helping them to break down barriers to success so they can gain greater clarity of the solutions and action they might take to move forward.

In my coaching, I support my clients by listening deeply and believing in their capacity to learn to help them selves. I hold the space of trust and confidence that they have the tools and resiliency to make the right decisions and achieve their aspirations. I offer feedback and promote reflection as they navigate through uncertainty. And I encourage them to ask for help and seek out support systems to hold them selves accountable and keep them on track in their journey.

Yes, we all need coaching and support at different stages in our lives and careers. We all need those special people who care enough not to allow us to let our dreams become overshadowed by fear or pride. We need people to help hold up the mirror and to help us see how we might be limiting our own potential and success. Yes, even I struggle with asking for help.

Once again, I am humbled and reminded that there are good and decent people in the world. And there are great coaches that will help us think differently and more effectively. Like the people and clients in my life, I too am human. I need to push away the pride or fear and reach out to others to help me stay focused in the pursuit of my dreams

The next time you need support, what will you do? Who is your support network? Do you have a coach that can help you stay on track and clear away the fog that camouflages your potential? We all need a coach and support at some point. Know that if you do need a coach, I’m here for you.

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